Post by Karen on Dec 2, 2018 9:09:58 GMT -5
Imagine how you would feel if this happened to someone you were close to? It would be devastating...And the sense of betrayal these victims must feel! I really hope that something can be done about this
Post by Whyy??00 on Dec 2, 2018 9:12:46 GMT -5
The government of South Korea must take legal actions and do something about this. Although it might take time, but still at least some measures are consider to be taken to stop this inhumane conduct by CCK. Plus it has been going on for 10 years or more.. Like seriously, all these years, what the governemnt are even doing?!
Post by pearlmilktea93 on Dec 2, 2018 9:13:30 GMT -5
Imagine how you would feel if this happened to someone you were close to? It would be devastating...And the sense of betrayal these victims must feel! I really hope that something can be done about this They need to pay for what they did to the young life!!
Post by Ong.Org 678 on Dec 2, 2018 9:15:37 GMT -5
Depuis quand c'est une organisation qui choisit ta religion??😤😤 Non mais c'est quoi ce CCK???!!😤, pourquoi forcer une personne à pratiquer une autre religion que celle de son choix au point de la tuer??!! Je suis juste choqué. Où es la démocratie de la Coréen du Sud?. Il faut faire quelque chose!! On ne peut pas laisser de telles choses se reproduire!!
Post by Mr.Sad on Dec 2, 2018 9:18:32 GMT -5
What the heck is going on? Why should somebody do this? Went insane only because someone beliefs something different. It is the own family? Korean government must not ignore this. The must react! Sadly greetings
Post by Belle on Dec 2, 2018 9:19:34 GMT -5
My Goodness!! This is crazy, that Christian Council is a murderer! Korean Government should hurry close this CCK!
Post by DefinitelyNotTony on Dec 2, 2018 9:19:42 GMT -5
This is just not right, something like this shouldn't be tolerated at all! Why isn't Korea's government doing anything? Ban coercive conversion, it's a clear violation of human rights...
Post by -_-*/////)))22 on Dec 2, 2018 9:20:59 GMT -5
Hmm.. I am afraid to go to South Korea now. If this Coercive Conversion programme is still ongoing, and I myself am a Christian, I would never feel safe if I am in South Korea. It is strange that I began to feel hostile going there....
Post by Itistime!!22 on Dec 2, 2018 9:31:18 GMT -5
Post by Hui on Dec 2, 2018 9:32:37 GMT -5
Take action to CCK. This organisation must banned!
Post by Jin on Dec 2, 2018 9:34:27 GMT -5
So sad, how come you killed that innocent girl. Terrible organisation!! Banned CCK
Post by Jes on Dec 2, 2018 9:36:07 GMT -5
This happening at Korea?? Such a popular country. This is so scary. CCK is killer, murderer. Banned CCK!!
Post by Lai on Dec 2, 2018 9:37:44 GMT -5
Stop CCK. People no need this organisation!! They will kill many people. Stop CCK!!
Post by Roar211 on Dec 2, 2018 9:41:01 GMT -5
Clearly, there is a violation of human rights.. I cannot imagine what kind of sufferring the victims went through.. This is terrible, no, horrible. CCK has to be stopped!
Post by Viola on Dec 2, 2018 9:51:35 GMT -5
Oh my goodness. CCK have gone too far.. STOP!!!
Post by WorldJ on Dec 2, 2018 10:03:57 GMT -5
😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡 Government of South Korea better do something about this. Imagine it happen to someone close and to loved one... It is terrible!
Post by Ashley on Dec 2, 2018 10:20:52 GMT -5
For me this is a demonstration of the poverty of the government. How could you just let religious groups do things like that. I am afraid to go to a country, where people must die because of their faith.
Post by Mary5 on Dec 2, 2018 10:49:10 GMT -5
I feel really sad to hear that such program still exist in this era and in a democratic country like South Korea... I am a big fan of KPOP industry and a Christian, and I don't understand why the government has been silent for so long, allowing more victims from this coercive conversion. This terrible activity should be banned, otherwise there will be more victims and the image of South Korea will be forever discredited. Please stop this as soon as possible! It is a question of human rights here!
Post by Susi Steff on Dec 2, 2018 11:09:03 GMT -5
Oh man diese blöde Zwangskonvertierung in Südkorea muss aufhören, warum darf die CCK noch existieren? Leute ich bin enttäuscht!!😡
Post by Francisco 12 on Dec 2, 2018 11:09:28 GMT -5
Buenos días a todos ! Me gustaría llamar su atención sobre un hecho que ha tenido lugar en Corea del Sur en los últimos meses. De hecho, me sumergí en mi investigación en la red porque me apasiona descubrir la cultura asiática, y como Corea del Sur es uno de los países que más aprecio en cuanto a culturas musicales, es Gastronomía, etc. Corea también es conocida por su democracia y por su libertad de expresión y religión. Según los derechos humanos, todos los ciudadanos del mundo tienen derecho a tener una religión o pertenecer a una comunidad religiosa, pero lo que sucede en Corea revela la violación de los derechos humanos. De hecho, el grupo CCK, viola las reglas de la vida humana y la religión, y ensucia con las atrocidades que llaman. Es realmente inaceptable estas acciones, no podemos quedarnos sin hacer nada sino defender los valores que mantenemos.
Que los CCK sean castigados, desterrados y destituidos de la sociedad.
Post by Susi Steff on Dec 2, 2018 11:10:45 GMT -5
Oh man diese blöde Zwangskonvertierung in Südkorea muss aufhören, warum darf die CCK existieren? Leute ich bin enttäuscht!!😡
Post by MarchisioZd4 on Dec 2, 2018 11:12:35 GMT -5
Omnis salve! Id quod volo elicere actum Coreae operam proximis mensibus. In facto meo baptizati estis me in investigationis de in Tela ob ego flagranti inventa Asian culturae, ut South Korea non est sicut terra, quae maxime in musicis termini cultus speciebus, id est gulae, etc. Korea et notum est pro sua religione et democratiam fiduciam. Secundum iura humana, omnis cives mundi habent ius habere religionem pertinent, vel ad religionem, sed ad id quod fit in Korea reveals contra ius humanum. In facto, in coetus CCK erumpit praecepta vitae et religionis ac sordidum se vocat cum maleficiis. Hae actiones in rem probabilis est, hoc non potest stare iners, sed defendere valores quos defendere. CCK punitur pulsa dimissa turba.
Post by Nelcy on Dec 2, 2018 11:25:18 GMT -5
Oh i can't believe that is still happening in a Country like south korea. Unbelievable!!! That girl is so poor How could it be happened? the south-koreanish Government should find the truth and coercive Conversion should be forever ban.
Post by Chris on Dec 2, 2018 12:33:24 GMT -5
It's incredible! It must be stopped immediately!!!
Post by Ben on Dec 2, 2018 12:41:22 GMT -5
We have to stop this act of evil. Such thing can’t be happening
Post by Hunter on Dec 2, 2018 12:43:59 GMT -5
We need to ban coercive conversion right now!!
Post by Fighter7 on Dec 2, 2018 12:53:28 GMT -5
Can anyone say that he didn´t see. Who is responsible for this inhumanity? ??
Justice for all people
Post by Justice for all people on Dec 2, 2018 13:00:29 GMT -5
Oh no 😱 This is a violation of human rights and religious freedom. The responsibility of the government is to protect its citizens. How can the citizen trust such a government?
Post by HJN on Dec 2, 2018 13:02:57 GMT -5
I can't believe that this is still happening in 2018...the problem is that no enough media are talking about this!
Post by steve-o on Dec 2, 2018 13:06:24 GMT -5
Really, the Government should react in this case. In 2018, especially in the highly developed Korea something like that should not exist anymore. The Pastors, who made this forced conversion, should be held accountable. CCK should be punished. CCK OUT!