Post by Lea on Dec 2, 2018 7:38:23 GMT -5
Ce sont des nouvelles qui m'attristent profondément et qui me poussent à me demander que fait le gouvernement coréen dans cette situation.. ne restons pas les bras croisés et faisons connaître ces choses
Post by SkrrtSkrrt on Dec 2, 2018 7:39:37 GMT -5
Bruuuuuhhh Je valide vraiment pas ce genre de chose, faut vraiment reagir
Post by mawa on Dec 2, 2018 7:41:01 GMT -5
Le monde a évolué, nous ne sommes plus au temps de la colonisation,cette organisation CCK qui a même aidé les traîtres. Plus jamais à la conversion forcée, réveillons nous vite.
Post by Young lady on Dec 2, 2018 7:41:52 GMT -5
Quel malheur ce CCK , le gouvernement Korean doit mettre un stop à cette organisation qui s’en dit religieuse 🙄😩 c’est vraiment choquant !!
Post by Goût na goût on Dec 2, 2018 7:42:30 GMT -5
Mon Dieu !! C’est vraiment horrible !!!!!!! Il faut enfermer ces gens pour sauver des vies !! STOP CCK !!!! 🙅🏼♀️🙅🏼♀️
Post by Young lady on Dec 2, 2018 7:43:35 GMT -5
Quel malheur ce CCK , le gouvernement Korean doit mettre un stop à cette organisation qui s’en dit religieuse 🙄😩 c’est vraiment choquant !!
Post by KoreanLover on Dec 2, 2018 7:46:53 GMT -5
Oh mon Dieu, je suis choqué, en plus cette affaire est vraiment serieuse. Et, ça en est pas à la première. Et c'est partout en Corée comme ça ?
Post by Jesifralestomak on Dec 2, 2018 7:47:09 GMT -5
😱😱🤔🤔🤔Que fait le gouvernement ?
Post by Leah on Dec 2, 2018 7:48:26 GMT -5
la religion c'est une question de choix, qu'on soit chrétien ou pas, aucun pays où organisation n'a le droit de nous forcer à suivre leur religion et nous tuer si on ne l'accepte pas !!!!!!!!!
Post by Andrea971 on Dec 2, 2018 7:52:03 GMT -5
Quoi ? En Corée du Sud je ne peux pas l’envoyer croire
Junior Newbie
Posts: 1
Post by skel on Dec 2, 2018 7:54:17 GMT -5
The South Korean Government needs to speak up about this issue. For the freedom of all expression, not limited to just religious freedom, shouldn't we all not have the right to express our religion in any way we see fit? Right or wrong, it is not up to anyone to decide for you what you should believe in, only you yourself decides that.
How could something like this happen, be realized by the country, but not it's own government?? Action needs to be taken on the group of CCK and their affiliated groups.
Post by ChevalJaune on Dec 2, 2018 7:56:55 GMT -5
Wow je n’aurais jamais imaginé que de tels choses pouvaient arriver, c’est inhumain, il nous faut combattre cette barbarie
Post by LaBouillance on Dec 2, 2018 7:58:33 GMT -5
Ce genre de chose de devrait plus exister ! Comment un pays si beau peut il vivre de situations si horribles?
Post by Caleb10 on Dec 2, 2018 8:00:31 GMT -5
Qu’est ce qui se passe en Corée? Oooh il faut réellement régler cette situation.
Post by The breaker on Dec 2, 2018 8:10:11 GMT -5
J'ai entendu parlé de cela ! Comment peut-on obliger ces personnes, au point de venir au meurtre, ces conversions forcée n'aurait pas dû avoir lieu. Nous attendons la réponse du gouvernement face à cette dangereuse situation !!
Post by Toronto7 on Dec 2, 2018 8:42:52 GMT -5
How did Korea government just allow for them to do that under the name of pastor... such ridiculous!
Post by PeaceGirl on Dec 2, 2018 8:44:49 GMT -5
OMG!!!How could this happen? Where is Korea’s Government? Please take an action and banned CCK!!!
Post by Joey on Dec 2, 2018 8:48:25 GMT -5
This shouldn't happen in this world! Please stop this! It's so sad
Post by Arie on Dec 2, 2018 8:50:29 GMT -5
OMG!!!How could this happen? Where is the righteous? Korea’s Government should banned CCK!!
Post by Angrybirdie on Dec 2, 2018 8:53:54 GMT -5
How can this happen in this modern day! Are you sure this is not north Korea?
Post by No.4ftw on Dec 2, 2018 8:55:26 GMT -5
People should be free to choose their own religion - why resort to torture? I mean, desperate much?
Post by Coffee008 on Dec 2, 2018 8:56:00 GMT -5
This is serious! How can this happen in this age? What kind of mindset does CCK has to do such a thing? And why does the government in South Korea keep quiet about this?! The government should do something since they have the legal authority. Stop CCK and banned Coercive Conversion programme!!
Post by Jumbosize on Dec 2, 2018 8:56:16 GMT -5
What is happening in Korea? Are they government allowing this? Cck should be stop
Post by LiPoh on Dec 2, 2018 8:57:25 GMT -5
OMG!!!This should stop!! Korea’s Government please stop this!!!
Post by Ea9832305 on Dec 2, 2018 8:58:21 GMT -5
What is this? How can this happen? I always wanted to visit Korea because I really love KPop. But never thought this kind of incident is happening in my favourite country. Please stop this! Don't ruined your country reputation! And this should be make know to the world to stop it!
Post by Kfcmcd on Dec 2, 2018 8:58:35 GMT -5
Why are they doing this? How can they call themselves as religious organization they are evil
Post by pearlmilktea93 on Dec 2, 2018 8:58:55 GMT -5
why is this happened to korea? I still dream of spending my uni in korea. I think i should just cancel my mind
Post by airJordan99 on Dec 2, 2018 9:04:50 GMT -5
The government of South Korea must stop CCK and banned Coercive Conversion programme!!!
Post by Apple on Dec 2, 2018 9:05:18 GMT -5
Coercive conversion programme? How could this happen ? Where is the justice? Where is the law? Return the freedom to the citizen! Korea please stop it!
Post by Ahha990 on Dec 2, 2018 9:06:22 GMT -5
I heard about this from the international news as well! ( This is horrible, korea government should banned that CCK.!!😨😥😥 STOP CCK! BANNED COERCIVE CONVERSION PROGRAM!!